The new generations have always been a valuable resource for us; for this reason, we are glad to provide them all the occasions they could benefit to acquire and enhance their knowledge. In these years, we have worked in order to have tighter connection with The Universities and The Research Institutes and to strengthen the dialogue with them.
In such sense we are actively collaborating with the Polytechnic Department of Engineering and Architecture of the University of Udine, especially with Professor Stefano Miani.
In these days, a group of students of the Polytechnic University of Udin, have been welcomed in the company for carrying out an internship period, during which they will be able to put into practice all the theoretical notions they have learned at school; moreover, they will have the opportunity to experience our way to operate and to examine in depth multiple themes that are the subject of a joint research project, promoted and coordinated by Prof. Stefano Miani.
The aim of the project is to integrate a robot/system between a vision system and an anthropomorphic robot for identifying of bending tools. The system will also have to recognize the position of the tools within a store.
For these activities we made available our technicians and a dedicated area at our headquarter of Sacile, with machinery and equipment for tests and simulations, to guarantee high level and specific training to the students.