SISTEC has joined, as an ordinary member, the Italian Technology Cluster “Intelligent Factory” (CFI). This network includes more than 260 members such as large and medium-small companies, universities and research centres, company associations and other stakeholders active in the advanced manufacturing sector. The Cluster is recognized by MIUR as a driver of sustainable economic growth in all the regions of the national economic system, because it fosters the innovation and specialization of Italian manufacturing systems.
CFI’s objective is to develop and to implement a strategy based on the research and on the innovation that can consolidate and increase the national competitive advantages and, at the same time, to direct the transformation of the Italian manufacturing sector toward new systems of product, processes, technologies, production systems, consistent with European Union’s strategy of promoting research and innovation.
The action programme of the Cluster shell be made up of the following axes: to promote the transfer of technological know-how, to share the infrastructures related to research and mobility, to encourage sustainable entrepreneurship, to implement technological foresights (in the sector of the intelligent factory) at regional, national and international level and a growth-oriented human capital development plan.
If you want more information about the Italian Technology Cluster “Intelligent Factories”, you can visit the web-site of the association: www.fabbricaintelligente.it/english/