SISTEC is enrolled, from May 2017, to the Special Section of the Register of the Innovative SME. The continuous tension to the search and the innovation, a qualified staff and a strong know-how are the characteristics that have allowed us to reach this important result.
SMEs are a new typology of enterprise introduced by the “Investment Compact” (Decree-Law No 3/2015 converted with amendments by law No 33 of 24 March 2015) introduced with the aim of strengthening Italy’s competitiveness and raising awareness of technological innovations in all economic sectors.
A company may be recognized like an Innovative SME if it has the following features:
- to employ less than 250 people and with an annual turnover of less than EUR 50 million (2003/361/EC);
- to be established as an incorporated company, including cooperatives;
- to have the head office in Italy (or in another Country, member of the European Union or in one of the States which have adopted the European Economic Space Agreement, if it has a production plant or a branch in Italy);
- The existence of an audited financial statement;
- cannot be quoted on a stock exchange;
- cannot to be enrolled in to the special section of the Register of the Enterprises that included the innovative start-ups and the certified business incubators.
The company would have to demonstrate a strong innovation orientation and must have at least two of the following criteria:
- the total volume of research and development spending has to be equivalent to 3 %;
- a qualified staff (1/5 of post-docs, grad students and researchers or 1/3 of postgraduates);
- owner/depositary of a brevet or owner of a recorded software.
Innovation is the key of the success and development of SISTEC and that’s allowed us to meet necessary requirements raised by the Law and to become an innovative enterprise.
In a context as that Italian, dominated by small and medium enterprises, the “expansive policy” promoted by the “Investment Compact” represents a logical evolution for an industrial policy that, through the technological development, intends to promote a sustainable growth, a new business culture characterised by powerful connections with the world of Academia, Research and Universities and to be opened to international flows of human and financial capital.The valuation of Innovative SMEs is included among the measures contained in the 2017 Budget Law that targets, in particular, “National Industry 4.0” Plan as main Italian tool to regain competitiveness on the global market. The industrial policy, contained in the Plan, has the task of supporting the enterprises to face the challenges and the opportunities of the fourth Industrial Revolution and plays an active role in creating an environment conducive to innovation.
In this context, SMEs like SISTEC are increasingly proving to be a strategic lever for the economic development of Italy and today they represent an integral part of the “National Industry 4.0” Plan.