SISTEC joins for the second consecutive year the program “School-Work Alternation“. This innovative education method brought in by Law no. 53/2003, and disciplined by a Legislative Decree no. 77/2005, enables students to acquire knowledge and training experiences through internship in SISTEC.
Every intern has a designated company supervisor/tutor who is responsible for providing orientation and supervision, an employee that possesses expertise in the area in which the intern work. These experiences put the staff involved in a unique position to support students, to transmit their know-how and stimulate the students to face the labour market and our business.
SISTEC, in 2018, involves in the project a great number of technical and professional schools (IS Galilei di “Conegliano”, l’ITIS “Max Planck” di Lancenigo, l’ISIS “Arturo Malignani” di Udine, l’ITST “J.F. Kennedy” di Pordenone, l’IPSIA “Piero Della Valentina” di Sacile).
The strong collaboration between SISTEC and the scholastic system actives a virtuous cycle that strengthens the education and career guidance, the transfer of knowledge and the development of our territory.