26 Lug

SISTEC opens the door to a delegation of engineering and architecture studets from China.

SISTEC opens the door to a delegation of engineering and architecture studets from China.

SISTEC opens the door to a delegation of sixteen civil engineering and architecture students from Beijing University in China. The students are  studying “Modern Mechatronic” at the summer school organized by the University of Udin, under the guidance of Professor Roberto Petrella.

This initiative is the result of a strong collaboration between SISTEC and University of Udin.

Students, greeted by the head of R&D department Eng. Luca Da Rè, visite the headquarter and establishments where they see  two plants at advanced stage of installation, a bending plant and a loading and unloading laser cutting plant, the PET (polyethylene terephthalate) unit and the technologies used. The class approach the issue of  the importance of human resources for SISTEC and how their work efforts is an important contribution to the company’s success.

The meeting with students from Beijing University represents for SISTEC an important opportunity to dialogue and to share and we wish that such initiatives will be repeated in future years as well.

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